martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Email for you students...

Hi 4th Grade students!!

I live in Venus, and you know what? It is the closest planetary neighbor and the second planet from the sun.  It has a similar structure and size to your planet the Earth, but Venus spins slowly in the opposite direction most planets do. 

Summers are really hard here, as it's the hottest planet in our solar system with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. I don't think that is possible for you to live here, but for our specie it's ok! We're adapted to it :D 

What about you? How's living on Earth planet? I heard life is really good there... I'm not really sure about the other planets from our solar system... Do you know them all? Just tell me all about them, because I would really like to know! 
Also, I heard that someone from your planet visited the Moon! That must have been incredible... Can you imagine? What do you know about the moon?

I wish I could visit you and your school some day... 

Have fun! :)


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